
Website DIY - tricks and solutions


This blog is for self starters hunting for solutions to particular website development tasks and problems.

Although 20 years of my career was spent in IT and Computer Audit most of it was pre internet. Until I started working on my web-sites I had no practical experience of scripting in PHP, ASP, Perl, Jquery etc using XML or even styling with CSS. I learnt by trial and error or by scouring the internet for solutions, so I guess I am a jack of all trades, master of none.

I found many useful one man/woman tech blogs with solutions for my problems; and thought it would be fun to produce my own. It mostly covers issues where I found it find answers online and had to come up with my own solution.

I started work (pre PC and rise of Unix) on an IBM 370 mainframe where programs were read from punch cards and you had to calculate your file locations on disk. My favourite Operating System was Pick with its bult in multivalue database (superior and more flexible than SQL based RDbs) twenty years on and multivalue db’s seem to be flavour of the month. My work in IT also included 10 years as a Computer Auditor.

Good luck with your site.

Andy W


  1. onjon

    Really nice plugin. Can you tell me how i will find all the widgets of your Travel Tools Dashboard?

  2. AW

    Glad you like it. Just noticed the Trip Planning Dashboard on this blog uses old code so the travel news wasn’t working – now rectified. In answer to your question: only 2 of the travel tools are available as widgets. All tools, except one, were written “inhouse” and only “Travel Advice by Country” has been widgetised (for WordPress and Blogger as detailed on this blog) though I am considering providing other tools for WP. The other widget (WIFI) was not written inhouse but obtained via iGoogle directory.

  3. onjon

    Thanks for your replay…I have a website about travel and tourism. I want the widget flight comparison(widget). Can you please suggest me where I can find that plugin? Like expedia.com.

    • AW

      Hi onjon, the one in the tools was hand crafted by me. I think most of the big reputable comparison sites provide widgets. I also use skyscanner.net on other sites as it is good for date flexibility. You can get a non-commission paying search widget direct from their site, if you want commission you have to sign up one of the affiliate networks – when i get chance i’ll email you the details. N.B. don’t expect a massive income from price comparison, think of it more a service to your visitors. None of my sites cover their costs. My dashboard has brought in zero income as bookings have been with non commission budget airlines. Skyscanner has generated a small amount of commission but after a year and a half I’ve yet to reach the payment threshold. I only include products I believe provide my visitors with best value – I am hoping to build up a reputation, so volume and repeat visits compensate for tiny commission rates and cover my costs. But the sad fact is I suspect the easiest way to earn money is to offer high commission paying crap products like dodgy ebooks and get rich schemes.

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