Author: AW (Page 2 of 4)
I love everything IT and enjoy research and solving problems.
I'm not an internet expert, but I do have 20 years of ancient commercial IT experience. I started work (pre PC and Linux) on an IBM 370 mainframe where programs were read from punch cards and you had to calculate your file locations on disk. My work in IT also included 10 years as a Computer Auditor.
The Goodies extension adds much more functionality and flexibility to your CCA plugin. What’s more, the current version is FREE for a tweet about the CCA plugin. [tab name=”CCA Extensions”] 1. Download, Install, and update notifications Extension Features: 2. Additional Sidebar Options 3. New “Ads/Text in Posts” widgets 4. Associating pages with existing or new ... Read More
Welcome visitor from ; work smarter by installing the easy to use CCA Plugin: [tab name=”How To (1)”] In this section: 1. “How to” video 2. Initial site-wide settings. DO THIS FIRST 2a. Using Cloudflare to identify country 3. Sidebar widgets 3a. RSS News Feed content 4. Widgets/Adverts within posts 5. ... Read More
Caching plugins do not work well with dynamic content. Coming soon: extensions to WP Super Cache and Quick cache that enable them to work perfectly with GeoLocation data on every post or page. Read More
1. CCA methods and functions that can be called in your code: Remember shortcodes are available as well a. Get the country code for the visitor’s location: CCAgeoip::get_visitor_country_code() OR CCAgeoip::get_visitor_country_code(‘lower’) Returns the alphabetic 2 character ISO country code for the visitor, or an empty string if not found.Use the ‘lower’ argument if you want the ... Read More
Simple to use, and free, plugin that makes both your posts and your sidebar content relevant for your post's category and/or visitor's locale (country). Read More
In this section: 1. The default setup (Cloudflare and Maxmind Geolite2) 2. Accuracy 3. Auto-updating Maxmind Country IP data 4. Using OTHER GeoLocation systems with the CCA plugin 5. How to use country GeoLocation in YOUR OWN PHP applications 6. I want to/am using Maxmind’s paid for data 7. I want to use Maxmind’s Geolite2 ... Read More